About Djamee Raphael

Djamee is an independent Author; Digital Creator; Clothing Designer; Founder of Djamee Models; and Crypto Angel Investor. He is based in Manhattan, United States. He is a happy Father and grandfather, a friend of many.

In 2001, Djamee signed his first model under his modeling management company. In 2004 he became fascinated by the ascension of Apple Inc. and the subsequent launch of Apple’s iTunes. Djamee tried to represent several upcoming recording artists for the next decade without much success.

However, he was more successful in finding gigs for models and talent that were part of his growing boutique modeling agency through his partnership with talent Agent Stanley Kaplan. These efforts were rewarded by mentions of Djamee Models and even his picture in the New York Times over the years.

In October 2010, when Stanley closed his office forever, Djamee launched his website and he was looking for a way to leverage his knowledge by generating sales online.

He met some early success with placing Google ads on his blogger’s blog but he was already late on that trend. In 2011, Djamee was still looking for ways to earn a living online. He stumbled onto Fiverr which at the time was offering sellers to get paid in Bitcoin for services on their platform.

He was unaware of what Bitcoin did and his research through search engines only uncovered forums on the dark web that he did not understand. Subsequently, he missed an opportunity to enter the crypto market with a Bitcoin at less than $5 per coin. When he logged in for more payments in 2012/13 that option to be paid in Bitcoin had been removed from the dashboard. It was not until much later when he started reading about Bitcoin in more mainstream media that he realized how early he was.

He had manifested Bitcoin but was incapable of recognizing that the millionaire and even a billionaire lifestyle he was imagining presented to him as he must have. He doesn't believe in coincidence so Bitcoin as a mode of payment for a cheap $5 was the riches he was manifesting.

Holding Bitcoin for a few cycles + DCA would have given him exactly that. Millions and even billions. He did not stop learning about new technology. Djamee decided to use the he uncovered to brand his own company. He refocused his energy and resources on moving his company online.


Djamee Models is a verified Modeling and Talent Agency by Casting Networks since October 2011. In 2019 Djamee relaunched after a six-year hiatus StuddedSpikes by Djamee with a POD Print On Demand business model with his creation available on Amazon Merch.

Entering 2024 in a move to expand his brand beyond previous limitations, Djamee announces that Hotels Resorts and Safari are on the horizon in Omboue, Phuket, New York. From booking services to hospitality, Djamee's actions are a big part of the story. The best part of living is dreaming and knowing wholeheartedly that your dream is real.

To get in contact with Djamee Raphael djamee.com Front Desk.

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This book is dedicated to those who seek practical techniques to create wealth. This book is for the seekers of truth about financial freedom and wealth generation building.
Djamee includes decades of research and analysis since his premature departure from his family house, at the age of twelve to his modeling agency founder days in New York.

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